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what if mace windu didnt try to kill palpatine

This article details a subject that is considered canon.

"In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Democracy, you're under abort, Chancellor."
―Mace Windu, to Sheev Palpatine [ii]

With the Clone Wars reaching its end and the revelation that Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine was secretly Darth Sidious, the Night Lord of the Sith, Mace Windu and fellow members of the Jedi Council engaged Sidious in a lightsaber duel in the Chancellor's office on Coruscant. Sidious quickly killed Jedi Masters Agen Kolar, Saesee Tiin, and Kit Fisto, but had an extended confrontation with Windu. The Lightsaber duel lasted until Windu disarmed the Sith Lord and knocked him to the floor.

As Windu held the Sith Lord at bladepoint ready to kill him and finish his madness in one case and for all, he was interrupted by the arrival of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker; although Windu had told Skywalker to remain at the Jedi Temple, he was seduced to the Chancellor's office by the promise that Palpatine could use the dark side of the Force to relieve his wife, Padmé Amidala, from dying in childbirth, an event Skywalker saw in a vision. Ignoring Skywalker, Windu alleged Palpatine and the Sith equally a whole defeated, to which Sidious responded by firing Force lightning at the Jedi Main. Windu managed to block the streams of electricity and deflected most it back into Sidious's body, disfiguring the Sith Lord in the procedure.[ii]

Skywalker attempted to convince Windu to arrest the Sith Lord, as he at first intended, simply Windu had realized that Palpatine controlled the Senate and the judicial arrangement, and would near probable be acquitted no thing what. Stating that Palpatine was but too dangerous to be left alive, Windu prepared to kill him, while Skywalker desperately claimed that doing and so was not the Jedi style and finally blurting out "I demand him!" When Windu tried to make the killing blow, Skywalker lashed out at him, severing his lightsaber holding hand and assuasive Sidious, who was feigning helplessness, to kill the Jedi Master.

In the aftermath of the duel, Skywalker pledged his loyalty to Palpatine and became a Sith Lord chosen Darth Vader. The Jedi try on his life immune Palpatine to execute his plan to seize total control over the galaxy. He branded the Jedi as traitors and issued Social club 66 to the Yard Ground forces of the Republic, leading to the destruction of the Jedi Society. Presently thereafter, he alleged himself Galactic Emperor and transformed the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire, which ruled the milky way for over 2 decades.


  • one Prelude
  • 2 The duel
    • two.1 Intervention
  • 3 Aftermath
  • 4 Behind the scenes
    • iv.1 Popular culture
  • 5 Appearances
    • five.1 Not-canon appearances
  • vi Sources
  • seven Notes and references

Prelude [ ]

"I've just learned a terrible truth. I call up Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith Lord."
"A Sith Lord?"
"Yes, the one we've been looking for."
"How do you know this?"
"He knows the ways of the Force. He'due south been trained to use the Nighttime Side."
"Are y'all sure?"
"Then our worst fears have been realized. We must move quickly if the Jedi Lodge is to survive."
―Anakin Skywalker and Mace Windu [2]

Anakin Skywalker had long considered Sheev Palpatine his mentor and friend, unaware that the Supreme Chancellor was the Nighttime Lord of the Sith.

Not long afterward Sidious betrayed and orchestrated the death of Darth Tyranus in the Battle of Coruscant, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker began experiencing visions of his wife, Padmé Amidala, dying in childbirth. Disturbed, Skywalker sought the advice of Master Yoda; even so, Yoda advised him to "let get of everything he feared to lose" which simply served to frustrate Skywalker, equally he did not understand what Yoda was trying to say. Palpatine invited Skywalker to a prove at the Galaxies Opera House under the pretense of providing him with intelligence on the location of Full general Grievous. While they sat in Palpatine's private box, he told Skywalker of a Sith "legend," "The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise," emphasizing that Plagueis had discovered way to utilise the dark side to influence midi-chlorians, an ability which could be used to both create life and crook death. Aware of Anakin'south plight, Palpatine planned to use this revelation as bait to draw Anakin to the dark side. Anakin, desperate for a way to forbid his prophetic visions from coming to pass, questioned Palpatine on how ane might larn Plagueis'south technique, just Palpatine simply told him that information technology was incommunicable to larn information technology from a Jedi. Later, in the Supreme Chancellor'south office, subsequently Skywalker told the Supreme Chancellor about Obi-Wan Kenobi currently fighting Grievous, Palpatine finally revealed himself to be Darth Sidious, a Dark Lord of the Sith. Skywalker was torn between his want to learn Sidious's power and his duty as a Jedi to turn him in.[2]

Jedi Masters Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, Saesee Tiin, and Agen Kolar confronted Chancellor Palpatine upon learning of his undercover identity as a Sith Lord.

Skywalker initially idea to kill Sidious on sight, equally another part of his duty to the Jedi was to eliminate the Sith, just as Palpatine was his friend, and had implied killing him would turn Skywalker to the dark side, he did not. After leaving the Chancellor's role, he went to the Jedi Temple and informed Mace Windu of Palpatine'southward true identity as a Sith Lord. Aware that the Jedi Order could be destroyed,[vi] Windu sought to prevent this upshot by leading a squad of swain Jedi Masters, Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar, and Saesee Tiin,[2] some of the finest warriors in the Lodge,[7] to arrest Palpatine, leaving Skywalker behind.[ii] The quartet was fully enlightened of the enormity of the burden ahead of them.[7] The Jedi arrived into Palpatine's private part, where the Chancellor feigned surprise at their abrupt visit and asked if this meant Full general Grievous was expressionless. Igniting his purple-bladed weapon, Windu declared Palpatine under abort in the name of the Galactic Senate; Fisto, Tiin, and Kolar ignited their ain weapons to back him up. When Windu declared the Senate would make up one's mind his fate, Palpatine snarled "I am the Senate," to which Windu was quick to object by reminding him that he wasn't even so.[ii]

The duel [ ]

"Are you threatening me, Principal Jedi?"
"The Senate will decide your fate."
"I am the Senate!"
"Non yet."
"It's treason and so."
―Darth Sidious and Windu [2]

The Sith Lord who masterminded the Clone Wars, Darth Sidious, accused the Jedi Masters of treason.

Accusing the Jedi of treason, Sidious deployed his lightsaber from his sleeve and ignited it. With a ferocious snarl that was more than animal than homo and with a speed that belied his historic period, Sidious leapt over his desk to land in front of the Jedi. In a moment, Kolar was impaled by Sidious through the abdomen and fell with a scream. Tiin attempted to strike the Night Lord from backside every bit Kolar roughshod, but was cut downwards every bit Sidious swung around to slash him across the torso. With half his opponents dead, Sidious immediately engaged Fisto and Windu. Fisto managed to fend off Sidious's initial strikes, but he was cut downwards mere seconds later the fall of his ii compatriots. His unabridged strike force destroyed, Windu was left alone to debate with the Dark Lord.[ii]

Sidious drove Windu back along the corridor to his public office, where Windu managed to pull Sidious into a bladelock. As their battle took them towards the center of the room, Anakin's airspeeder touched down outside. He had meditated on his thoughts in the Council Chambers, and the immature Jedi felt as though he could non bear to let Sidious meet his decease at the easily of the Jedi; at least, not earlier instruction Skywalker the secrets of Darth Plagueis to save Amidala from expiry.[2]

With his fellow masters slain past Sidious, Windu solitary fought to save the Jedi Order from destruction.

As Skywalker ran through the halls of the Senate Office Building, Sidious unleashed a rapid serial of fruitless attacks against Windu, and was driven back into the part by Windu's steady offensive strikes. Windu guided the battle beyond the role towards the bay window, which was chop-chop shattered by their missed strikes. As they moved out onto the air current-blown ledge, the duelists engaged in a brief flurry of bladework, but Windu managed to end the tour with a swift kicking to the Sith Lord'southward jaw. Sidious was thrown off residual, staggering dorsum and dropping his lightsaber equally he flailed for residual before retreating against the window frame. Sidious was at Windu's mercy, who held his bract to the Sith Lord's throat.[2]

At that moment, Skywalker appeared, convinced that just the ability of the dark side could save his wife's from the end seen in his visions.[2]

Intervention [ ]

Mace Windu: "I am going to end this, in one case and for all!"
Anakin Skywalker: "Y'all can't. He must stand trial."
Mace Windu: "He has control of the senate and the courts! He'southward too dangerous to be left alive."
Darth Sidious: "I'm too weak. Oh. Don't kill me. Please."
Anakin Skywalker: "Information technology'southward not the Jedi way. He must live!"
Darth Sidious: "Please don't."
Anakin Skywalker: "I need him!"
Darth Sidious: "Please don't!"
Anakin Skywalker: "NO!"
―Mace Windu, Anakin Skywalker, and Darth Sidious[src]

With Sidious disarmed, Windu alleged again that the Dark Lord was in Jedi custody. However, having arrived too late to run across the Sith Lord'due south intent, Skywalker saw only a helpless Chancellor cowering before Windu. Sidious claimed the Jedi were in rebellion, while Windu countered, declaring the ultimate defeat of the Sith.[two]

Windu and Sidious continued to fight, forcing Skywalker to choose betwixt the Jedi and the Sith.

In response, Sidious hurled Force lightning at the Jedi Main, forcing him to deflect it back at the Dark Lord. The redirected current hit Sidious, deforming his face up hideously nevertheless he continued to uphold the barrage. He called out to Skywalker for help while Windu told him not to listen to the Sith Lord. The electrical current continued to ravage the Chancellor's body, and Skywalker's conflict reached its peak every bit he watched his friend suffer. Eventually, the lightning subsided, leaving Sidious feigning exhaustion and lying on the floor. The Sith Lord began begging for mercy, maxim he was too weak to continue fighting.[ii]

Driven by the fear of losing Padmé Amidala, Skywalker sided with Sidious instead of Windu, allowing the Dark Lord to destroy the Jedi Order's champion.

Afterward the Sith Lord stopped his barrage of lightning, Windu announced that he had no choice merely to kill Sidious, equally he saw him as too great a threat to keep live. Skywalker pleaded with him to spare Sidious, saying that the all-time class of action was for Sidious to stand up trial, merely Windu refused, believing that Sidious'southward influence would sway the Court's ruling in his favor. Skywalker further pressed by maxim that killing Sidious in common cold blood was not the Jedi way. But, ignoring Skywalker, Windu raised his blade to deliver the killing blow. Skywalker, reacting in a moment of despair, cut off the unsuspecting Windu'due south sword hand. Seizing the opportunity, Sidious immediately ceased his weakened ruse and unleashed a withering barrage of Force lightning at the helpless Jedi Master. After torturing him for a few moments, Sidious used the Force to blast Windu out of the cleaved window,[2] plummeting to his decease.[6]

Skywalker fell to his knees, horrified that he betrayed Windu and contributed to his decease . Seizing upon Skywalker's emotional turmoil, Sidious congratulated him for taking steps to fulfill his destiny and invited the Jedi to become his Sith apprentice. Skywalker, blinded by his need to save his wife's life, begged Sidious to help him relieve her. The Sith Lord claimed that together, they could detect the cloak-and-dagger to controlling expiry and saving Amidala'due south life. Skywalker knelt before Sidious and swore his allegiance to the Sith, thereby betraying the Jedi.[2]

Aftermath [ ]

"The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed. Just, I assure you, my resolve has never been stronger."
―Sheev Palpatine [2]

Sidious named his new amateur Darth Vader, replacing Tyranus, and tasked Vader with the storming of the Jedi temple. Furthermore, Sidious issued Order 66 to every clone trooper in the Yard Army of the Republic; the clones were ordered to eliminate their Jedi Commanders and Generals, as the Jedi was marked as enemies of the Republic. The Clones hidden biochips that Tyranus had implanted in their brains, in guild for Sidious to force them to obey him at the correct moment, then activated and brainwashed them into believing that the Jedi were traitors to the Commonwealth that needed to be executed, thus beginning the Swell Jedi Purge.[2]

Afterwards accusing the Jedi Order of treason, Sidious declared himself Emperor of the Kickoff Galactic Empire.

Vader stormed the Temple, leading the 501st Legion and proceeded to impale nearly every Jedi within its walls, personally killing both masters and younglings alike. The Temple was ready afire while all of Galactic City watched. Shortly thereafter, Palpatine traveled to the Senate Rotunda and told the Senate of the "Jedi Rebellion" and his actions confronting it. Furthermore, under the imitation pretense of improve security, Palpatine delivered a spoken communication that declared that the Republic was no more, and in its place was a new Galactic Empire, receiving thunderous applause.[2]

Afterwards condign Emperor of the galaxy, Palpatine essentially disappeared from public life and left most of the Imperial day-to-day affairs to the Majestic Ruling Council. The citizenry of the Empire, as such, began to broadcast rumors on his absence that the Jedi assassination effort non but resulted in Palpatine's disfigurement simply too in the death of the sanguine political leader that he had in one case been, having shredded his benevolent persona. The matter of how precisely Windu and his team were killed as well how Palpatine'due south face up was plain-featured, however, were never settled to everyone'due south satisfaction, leading Wilhuff Tarkin to correctly approximate while non confirm that Palpatine and Vader were Sith Lords.[8]

Luke Skywalker was saved by his male parent, Darth Vader, who sacrificed his life by destroying the Emperor.

In 4 ABY,[5] Vader's son Luke Skywalker defeated him in the Battle of Endor, but refused to obey the Emperors order to kill him. The furious Emperor and so proceeded to torture Luke for his defiance, which put Vader in the same position he was in when he chose Sidious over Mace. Vader's love for Luke and fright of losing him acquired him to do the opposite this time, as he saved his son and overthrew his master. The ensuing struggle between master and apprentice ended with Sidious' destruction (For the time being), but Vader was critically damaged in the process. Having destroyed the Sith (For now) and sacrificed his life for his son, the redeemed Anakin Skywalker fulfilled his role as the Called i and made peace with Luke before passing into the Force.[9]

In the years following Anakin Skywalker's redemption and death, Luke embarked on a search for Jedi noesis and learned well-nigh Windu's life, including his failed attempt to arrest Palpatine. Holding Windu in high esteem, Skywalker concluded that had it non been for his father'south intervention, Windu would have likely succeeded in defeating Palpatine.[10]

Behind the scenes [ ]

"This is where he makes the pact with the Devil. This is the very Faustian pact of trying to do something that he shouldn't be doing."
―George Lucas in the Revenge of the Sith commentary [2]

The earlier version of the scene had Skywalker present from the start.

The Duel in Palpatine's office appears in the 2005 picture Star Wars: Episode Iii Revenge of the Sith.[2] This duel explains some—until so—unknown aspects of the Star Wars universe. Information technology explains how Darth Vader, an antagonist from the original trilogy, joined the Sith and why Palpatine's face is deformed in the 1983 film Star Wars: Episode Half-dozen Return of the Jedi.

Ian McDiarmid, the actor who portrayed Palpatine, didn't savour filming these scenes. As a Shakespearean actor, filming high-speed sword fighting did not appeal to him. He had but virtually five days to learn the choreography his stunt double would not perform from the stunt coordinator, Nick Gillard. As an older homo, he wasn't every bit dexterous as his opponents and, occasionally, he would be hit over the day's filming. McDiarmid did, however, accept some respect for Samuel Fifty. Jackson'south abilities. The picture show'southward producer, Rick McCallum, was worried about how the scene would plow out considering of this, simply was very happy with the concluding issue. On the other paw, Windu'south actor, Samuel 50. Jackson, had been waiting for this scene since he was hired. I of the requests he made during negotiations for the part was for his character to die spectacularly at the stop and not die "similar some punk." While promoting the picture on Tardily Dark with Conan O'Brien, Jackson revealed his request to Conan O'Brien, who joked that perchance Mace Windu would meet his decease by slipping on some soap in the shower. During shooting, Jackson and the crew joked about having Windu surviving the duel and returning for a postal service-credit scene.[11]

The duel went through several changes during product. One of the earlier versions of the scene had Anakin Skywalker present in Palpatine's function from the start, witnessing the fight betwixt Palpatine and the Jedi until entering to succor Palpatine from Windu's volition. This version of the scene was filmed on July 15, 2003 at Fox Studios in Sydney, Australia on Phase 7. However, the shoot was difficult as the gloves worn by the Jedi Knights made it hard to grab the lightsaber hilts, leading to the scene's reshoot on August 27, 2004.[12] Some other version of the duel had Windu coming and fighting lone with Palpatine, as both Saesee Tiin and Kit Fisto were meant to be killed on Mygeeto and Saleucami during Order 66. Rather than being thrown out the window, Windu just fell the ground dead afterward receiving Palpatine's lightning in this version.[11]

George Lucas watching the earlier version of the scene

Co-ordinate to the screenplay of Episode III, the Chancellor's Rodian aide Dar Wac and two members of the Senate Guard originally had a cameo advent earlier the Jedi entered Palpatine'southward part, in which they would accept tried to cease the Jedi simply to exist Force pushed into the walls by them. The screenplay too indicates Windu attempted to defend himself with his remaining paw subsequently he was betrayed by Skywalker.[thirteen]

Popular culture [ ]

"Oh, my God! I look like I have a scrotum for a confront! What am I supposed to phone call myself? Darth Syphilis?! If you'd made up your listen five seconds earlier, nosotros could've ruled the galaxy and maybe I could've gotten laid one more fourth dimension earlier I die!"
―Lament past Palpatine in Robot Chicken: Star Wars Episode Three [src]

The duel was parodied in Robot Craven: Star Wars Episode 3, in which Palpatine rants about his deformed face up.

Appearances [ ]

Non-canon appearances [ ]

  • DroidTalesLogo-Dplus.png LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales – "Crunch on Coruscant" (In flashback(southward))
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

Sources [ ]

Notes and references [ ]


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