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A Client Who Is Stable Has Family Members Present When the Nurse Enters the Birthing Suite

Your Stay WPB Childrens

At WakeMed, we provide a flexible, family-centered environment with modern, tasteful décor aimed at making you feel comfortable and relaxed. Most importantly, we accept the latest applied science necessary support you and your infant.

What to Expect Solar day One through Belch

When you arrive, yous will get straight to Patient Registration to make full out necessary paperwork before existence escorted to our Labor & Delivery area. Wheelchairs are available for moms who need them.

In this section you will learn about:

  • Arriving to the WP&B
  • Breastfeeding Support
  • Car Seat Safety
  • Cesarean Department
  • Delivery
  • Discharge
  • Hand Washing
  • In-hospital Photos & Birth Certificate
  • Labor
  • Lodging
  • Meals & Room Supplies
  • Nurseries
  • Post-Partum Care
  • Treatments & Testing for Baby


If y'all are scheduled for an induction, a regular appointment or a C-department, please come to directly the Patient Registration where a representative will assist yous.

If you aren't scheduled for your delivery, please enter the hospital through our Adult Emergency Department. If you lot are 20 weeks gestation or greater, our ED squad will transport you to the OB Emergency Department located in our Women'due south Pavilion & Birthplace. While in the OB-ED, you lot volition be evaluated by a provider who volition determine if it is time for you to exist admitted.

Private, Home-Like Suites
Our private suites for labor, delivery and recovery feature a shower and tub with whirlpool jets for hydrotherapy during labor. At that place is also a sleep couch, rocking chair and bistro table. Each room includes a mini-refrigerator, video actor/TV and WiFi for Internet access. Just down the hall, yous'll accept access to an ice machine, microwave and vending options.

Once in a Labor & Commitment room, you lot will meet your Labor & Delivery nurse, who may starting time you on an IV. During this fourth dimension, yous will be cared for by an experienced L&D nurse, who will assist you in having the most positive nativity feel possible.

Your L&D nurse will ask you several questions regarding your personal health and birth plan (come across WakeMed Birth Mean solar day Wish List for more guidance), for instance, practice you lot wish to accept a natural birth or an epidural?  Your nurse will go on to piece of work closely with you throughout the unabridged labor and commitment procedure to ensure we meet your preferences as best we can.

At this point, based on your wishes, yous may or may not receive certain medications, such as an epidural. Meanwhile, up to iv people (unless otherwise noted) are immune to be in the room with you equally you labor and give nascency. If you are in active labor when you get in to the hospital, you may non see your obstetrician until information technology is time for the commitment of your baby. If yous are here for a scheduled induction, you lot will meet and speak with your obstetrician prior to delivery.

In one case your baby is born, he or she volition be placed in a warmer located directly in your room. If at that place are no concerns about your newborn's health or well-being, he or she will be stabilized correct at that place abreast yous, and we volition encourage you to commencement peel-to-pare immediately. Skin-to-skin is when a naked babe is held against his or her mother'southward naked pare.

Y'all and your babe volition stay in your labor and delivery room for around two hours. During this time, your obstetrician will make whatever necessary repairs to your body, and your babe will exist weighed and measured. This is an important time for you and your baby to bond and maybe breastfeed.

Cesarean Department
If your baby's nascence requires a Cesarean delivery, you will start off in a Labor & Delivery room and then get to a recovery room for almost an hour after surgery. Your surgery volition have place in an operating room (OR), and one person will be allowed in the OR with you. Yous will be cared for by the same nurse before and after your surgery, and while you are recovering, only one person will be immune in the recovery room with you. You will typically have the run a risk to run across your baby while y'all are however in the OR, barring whatever complications, and based on your stability during recovery, your baby volition exist brought to you in your room.

Your incision may be painful and require medication for pain control. Please don't hesitate to ask your nurse for hurting medication as needed. Keep the incision make clean and dry. If you are permitted to take a shower, dry the incision carefully after showering.

Call your nurse to assist you when yous are prepare to become out of bed. Walking is helpful to prevent complications, to stimulate your bowels and to salvage soreness from the incision. Do not lift objects heavier than your baby or exercise vigorous do until instructed to do so by your provider. Climb steps slowly and just when necessary.

  • Examine your incision daily for any redness, swelling, open areas or drainage.
  • Staples are removed inside seven days after surgery either:
  • before you get out the hospital.
  • in the provider'southward function.
  • by a home health nurse.
  • If steri strips were applied to your incision, yous may remove them in four to 5 days.
  • While it is fine to accept showers, cheque with your provider earlier taking a bath in the tub.

Pain Direction
Patient comfort is extremely important to united states. At WakeMed Raleigh Campus, we closely monitor our patients' comfort levels and discuss hurting relief options with them. Nosotros enquire our patients to please speak up if they feel pain during treatment, examination or while in bed.

Post-Partum Intendance
After delivery, you will be moved into a post-partum room, where you will stay for an average of two days.  All the same, if you lot've had a Caesarean section, you volition stay for an average of 3 to four days. A nurse with expertise in caring for mothers and newborns will help yous with the physical and emotional changes experienced with the birth of a babe. All necessary supplies for you and your infant are kept in your room or brought to you equally needed.

As role of our family-centered approach, the Women'due south Pavilion & Birthplace encourages rooming-in, where your baby is kept in the room with you rather than in the nursery. This is a special time for yous to become to know your newborn and acquire how to intendance for him/her and for yourself, and it is specially helpful for those who are breastfeeding.  Studies testify that moms rest better when their babies room-in with them, and babies practice ameliorate with breastfeeding considering mother tin can learn early on feeding cues.

In the first 24 hours of your stay, both you and your babe volition be examined every four hours.  You will be examined to ensure you are healing properly afterwards birth and in that location are no post-nascence complications, and baby will be assessed for temperature, heart charge per unit and respiratory wellness.  In the second 24 hours of your stay, you and baby will be assessed every 12 hours.  Additionally, your obstetrician volition visit you once a mean solar day.  Baby's pediatrician will visit him or her in one case a solar day also.

Local Lodging
Overnight visitors are allowed to stay in the patient's room with the supervising nurse's blessing. A limited number of roll-away beds are available. See a listing of hotels and motels near WakeMed Raleigh Campus.

Breastfeeding Support
If you are breastfeeding, a certified lactation specialist will be notified and will assist with any needs yous may accept.  Important to note — all of our nurses are trained to give lactation support and are instrumental in helping our moms be successful with breastfeeding.  Some of our bedside nurses likewise have lactation certifications and can help with more complex issues.

Level III and IV Nurseries
In the issue yous encounter any problems with your baby's nativity, or if your baby requires special attention, you can residual assured that your baby is in proficient easily.

WakeMed North is also a Level III Special Care Nursery equipped with incubators, ventilators and the specialists trained to treat newborns requiring intensive medical care after birth.

Photos and Birth Certificate
Also during your two-day stay, yous will have an opportunity to have your infant photographed by a professional photographer - delight feel complimentary to bring any special outfits or props.  And you will besides receive the information and paperwork necessary to send away for a birth certificate for your little one.

Utilise of Video and Withal Photography
Videotaping is permitted afterward the infant is delivered. Photos and video are not permitted during commitment or during any procedures involving mom or baby at any time during the hospital stay. Taking photos or videotaping staff or providers is not permitted without their prior blessing. Photos and video must non include other patients, their babies or visitors.

Of import Treatments and Testing for Baby
You tin can await that your baby will receive several treatments and tests while you are in the infirmary.  Many can be performed in your room if you wish.  They include:

  • Vitamin K & Erythromycin Ointment — Within the starting time two hours of birth, your infant will receive a shot (in the thigh) of Vitamin Thousand to help with claret clotting and erythromycin ointment on his or her optics to protect him or her from whatever leaner picked up in the birth canal.
  • Metabolic Screening — This exam is mandated by the federal government and will be given to your infant at least 24 hours after birth. Information technology screens for several illnesses.
  • Hearing Screening — The National Institutes of Health and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that a hearing screening be done on every baby shortly after nascence. WakeMed volition perform a hearing screening on every baby born at this infirmary earlier they leave. Your baby's hearing will be screened using a simple, non-invasive method called Automated Auditory Brainstem Response (AABR). Trained infirmary staff will conduct the screening.
  • Bilirubin Check — At 12 hours and 24 hours mail service birth, your baby's bilirubin level (a pigment created past the normal breakup of red blood cells) will exist checked to ensure the liver is functioning properly. This is a non-invasive procedure that is done via a light on the forehead. Preferably, your babe will be sleeping during this exam.
  • Hepatitis B Shot — We recommend that all babies receive their first Hepatitis B shot in the hospital but require parent consent first.
  • Circumcision — If you desire, your babe male child will be circumcised the 24-hour interval subsequently nascence or prior to belch. This procedure volition not be performed in your room, but your infant will typically render to yous inside two hours. Generally, this procedure is performed by your obstetrician; however, some pediatricians perform the procedure as well.
  • Bath — Your babe will receive his or her outset bath in your room, from your nurse, at least half-dozen hours after nascency. Your nurse will also take this opportunity to teach you lot well-nigh bathing your baby.

Meals & Room Supplies
Each solar day during your stay, you will make your meal and beverage selections. Meals volition be delivered to you in your room by our Food & Nutrition Services staff or a fellow member of your nursing team. Your partner, or anyone staying with you in your room, tin buy meals and/or snacks in our infirmary cafeteria

A member of our Environmental Services team will empty your trash daily.

Additionally, members of our nursing team will proceed your room stocked with fresh bathroom towels if y'all need them, every bit well as diapers, wipes, burp cloths and blankets for your baby. We also provide formula to parents who choose not to breastfeed during their stay with us. Delight note that we will non provide you with pacifiers for your baby during your stay.

Videotaping and Photos
Videotaping is permitted after the baby is delivered. Photos and video are not permitted during commitment or during any procedures involving mom or baby at any time during the hospital stay. Taking photos or videotaping staff or providers is not permitted without their prior approval. Photos and video must not include other patients, their babies or visitors.

A nurse volition come to your room to give you discharge instructions and didactics.  It is our goal to discharge all families by 11 am each day. During this process, the nurse will verify your hospital ring next to your baby's ring one final time.  Y'all will exist allowed to continue one of your babe's infirmary bands.

Car Seat Prophylactic
Your baby'south machine seat is the safest fashion for him/her to travel. North Carolina law requires that your baby travel in an approved car seat.

At WakeMed, we are dedicated to the safe of your infant. We recommend that you read the car seat rubber booklet, install the seat in your vehicle and become familiar with the car seat prior to your baby's birth. Many local burn, EMS and law enforcement personnel are certified in car seat installation and safety. The National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration is a great identify to larn more than most keeping your precious new baby safe on the road.

Hand Washing
Preventing the spread of illness and infection can be as simple as washing your hands. In a infirmary setting, you should wash your easily for a minimum of xx seconds and plow off the faucet with a paper towel before and later visiting with a patient. Antibacterial hand gel is acceptable if hands are not visibly soiled.


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